Who Are We?

What We Do

The Co-operative Housing Association of Eastern Ontario (CHASEO) is a co-operation of co-ops. Its members are housing co-ops in the Eastern Ontario region, co-op staff organizations and sector-related organizations.

Through their association, members have a collective voice to represent their interests with government, agencies and other groups.

CHASEO also provides ongoing support to housing co-ops and is a local source of resources, expertise and training. A wide range of services are available to members and non-members alike. Members also have access to a selection of continuously expanding cost-saving programs.

CHASEO is one of 17 regional co-op housing federations in Canada. It is an active member of the Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada (CHF Canada).


CHASEO members are primarily housing co-operatives, however membership is open to any co-operative.

Governance and Management

CHASEO is incorporated as a co-operative. Member co-ops appoint delegates who attend meetings to discuss issues of common concern and to give direction to the organization.

The Board of Directors is elected annually to oversee the operations of CHASEO. All seven directors represent housing co-ops.

Ontario Co-operative Housing Federations

Our History

Rooted in our history as a grassroots community-led movement, we will work collectively with others to leverage positive transformation for the co-operative housing movement and members.

Building Our Foundation

Strengthen our organizational resilience

Our Directors 2024 – 2025

Manon Anderson – President

Eric Chartrand – Vice President

Miyah Al-ayed – Director

Ray Farmilo – Director

Tammy Dinelle – Director

Ludovic Viger – Treasurer

Heather Murchison – Secretary