Virtual Fall Education (V-FE) Event

As a result of the pandemic, and in the interest of our staff, members and partners, CHF Canada decided not to hold any in person events for the remainder of 2020.   In order to continue providing the benefits typically achieved by our 7-9 in person events, CHF Canada looked to alternative online events. We contracted with a virtual event software and support company, OpenWater to provide a platform that will host a series of webinars, and that will also offer extra features such as online networking, partner / sponsor presence and communications opportunities.

We are leveraging the platform to bring all CHF Canada fall education under one virtual ‘roof’ through the month of November, with education ‘tracks’ for managers, for members in specific regions and tracks open to all CHFC members nation-wide.  We also wanted to leverage the platform to provide opportunities for our regional federation partners to serve members where they too were not holding in-person events this fall, 2020.

CHF Canada partnering offer:

This collaborative approach to meet members’ needs included the opportunity for regional federations to host a separate track of webinars on the platform where that was of interest, to offer an additional discount for members to attend the event where that was required, and / or to have a partner page on the event website to show partners’ commitment to education this fall. Various opportunities have been taken up by different regional federations. Every regional federation has accepted the offer of having a partner page on the event website.

For more information contact Jovette Fournier at


Oct 28 2020 - Nov 30 2020





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Contact CHASEO

Send CHASEO a message using the form below and we'll get in touch with you.


Co-operative Association of Eastern Ontario


P.O. Box M147 110 Didsbury Road, Ottawa, Ontario K2T 0C2


Jovette Fournier - Executive Director

