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Providing leadership, management and governance support for housing co-operatives in the Greater Ottawa / Eastern Ontario region.

What is CHASEO?

What do we do and who do we represent?

A group of housing co-ops members founded the Co-operative Housing Association of Eastern Ontario (CHASEO) to promote the development of new co-ops and to provide services/education for the co-operative housing sector.


Co-operative housing is a unique model that is deeply responsive to its members’ needs. It is a form of housing that develops collectively, and it’s structured to ensure a democratic process that builds a shared voice and community.


Today, CHASEO is a member-supported organization representing more than 4,226 members living in more than 54 non-profit housing co-operatives located in the region of Ottawa.

Priority #1 - At Our Core

Foster Strong, Engaged and Thriving Members

Priority #2 - Expanding Our Reach

Facilitate new co-operative housing development in Eastern Ontario

Priority #3 - Amplifying Our Impact

Be the leader in promoting the value of co-op housing in Eastern Ontario

The Seven Principles of Co-ops

These are the seven principles that guide the co-op movement.

Membership Benefits

CHASEO provides leadership, support and valuable services to our member co-ops. We understand your needs and the needs of the community. Our goal is to strengthen our members.

About Co-op Housing

Housing co-operatives are member-owned and controlled. Co-operative members believe in the ethical values of honesty, openness, social responsibility and caring for others.

Find a Co-op

If you are looking to join a local co-operative housing community, our directory of housing co-ops in the Greater Ottawa area and Kingston area regions can help you find your next home.

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